We're getting there
I gave up contractual labour last year. My goal was to write a novel. It's something I've always wanted to do, but I realised the promises of some day were empty. It was time to just do it.
I'm now 8 months into my project. I gave myself a year to achieve my goals so I have four months on the timeline to go. As ever the time has gone faster than I imagined, but I've written over 250,000 words in that time, and many are promising. One of my drafts has gone through a series of edits, been road tested by a few folk and I'm happy enough with it to take it forward to the next stage. I'm meeting a professional editor soon to help me achieve that.
I'm working on another book now. I'm really excited about it. The story is my best so far. I just need to tell it well. So far so good. 15,000 words written, another 65,000 to go!
So what of the next four months? My plan is to get the draft of book one ready to unleash. The pieces are slotting together and I will get there. Eventually. As many of you know the creative world doesn't always move quickly. It's often a lonely world where you set your own goals, tasks, and motivation. We're our own bosses and often the worst ones. But something drives you on, it's something you feel compelled to do. While the hunger and desire to create is there you keep going.
So for now I will endeavour to keep hitting my daily word target on this latest piece of work. One word at a time. Small steps begin the longest journeys.