We're getting there
I gave up contractual labour last year. My goal was to write a novel. It's something I've always wanted to do, but I realised the...
Every journey begins with a single step
Some of you will be aware that I am leaving my current job in a few weeks. A number of people have asked me - "So what are you going to...
Ramblings on writing #2
I finished chapter one of my new book this morning. I've taken a bit more time, but for good reason. Firstly, I thrive on routine and the...
Ramblings on writing #1
It's almost 11am and my two youngest boys are still in bed. It's a training day at school today so they have the pleasure of my company,...
Creature of habit
I'm a creature of habit, borderline obsessive. I call it structure, my wife calls it madness. It gives me anchors and her and the boys...